august 2015
ATRIUM Partners modtager ACQ Global Awards 2015
Det førende M&A magasin ACQ har for 10. år uddelt dets ACQ5 Global Awards. ACQ5 Global Awards udmærker sig ved at være en uafhængig anerkendelse, hvor kåring foretages efter nominering fra dets mere end 119.000 abonnenter.
ATRIUM Partners har netop modtaget tre anerkendelser fra ACQ5:
- Corporate Finance House of the Year 2015 for a consecutive year – Denmark
- M&A Advisory of the Year 2015 for a consecutive year – Denmark
- Debt & Capital Advisor of the Year 2015 for a consecutive year – Denmark
Jake Robson, Group Editor of The ACQ5, udtaler “As M&A volumes return and promise to exceed pre-crisis level, we are witnessing an unprecedented transformation of the market and those who operate within it. Experts whose intimate knowledge and expertise in the cultural, financial and legal arenas are redefining our industry. The 2015 ACQ5 Global Award winners represent the best of breed in the industry and have earned these honours by standing out in a group of very impressive finalists.”
De tildelte awards cementerer ATRIUM Partners’ position i det danske corporate finance marked, hvor ATRIUM Partners er velrenommeret for sin uafhængighed og professionalisme.