December 2018
Advisor to Easyfood in the sale to Orkla Foods Danmark
ATRIUM acted as exclusive financial advisor to the owners of Easyfood A/S in the sale to Orkla Foods Danmark A/S.
Easyfood is the largest manufacturer of bread-based convenience products in Denmark, offering a product range comprising both sweet and savory products. The company was founded in 2000 in Kolding, Denmark, where production is still taking place.
Easyfood’s products are sold in 13 countries to customers such as Starbucks, McDonald’s, CircleK, 7-eleven, Salling Group and COOP. As of October 2018, the company’s LTM- revenue was DKK 316 million with an adjusted EBITDA of approx. DKK 34 million.
Orkla is a leading supplier of strong brands within a broad range of consumer goods in the Nordics, Baltics, Central Europe and India. Easyfood will continue as an independent company under Orkla Foods Danmark, which focuses on production and marketing of food under brands such as Beauvais, Den Gamle Fabrik and Bähncke. Orkla is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange and had a turnover of NOK 40 billion in 2017.
Through the acquisition, Orkla will strengthen its position within convenience products as well as in the “out-of-home” sales channel.
The sales process was launched as a competitive, structured auction with both financial and strategic buyers. It is the third time within a 6 year period that Orkla acquires a company that ATRIUM has the mandate to sell.
"In order to find the right buyer, it is important for the advisor to know the company 110% – ATRIUM has fully understood the business forces that create value and characterize our company, and they have successfully conveyed it to the buyers in both dialogue and transaction documents"
Flemming Paasch, CEO & shareholder
"Throughout the process, ATRIUM has provided invaluable support, primarily financial advice, but also in other respects that are important to a vendor of a life’s work. Their insight in maximizing a seller’s value and psychology in a sales process makes them an ideal partner for a sale"
Hemming Van, shareholder