November 2015
Advisor to Labflex in the sale to Credo Partners
ATRIUM has acted as exclusive financial advisor to the shareholders of Labflex in the sale to Credo Partners.
Labflex is one of Europe’s leading suppliers of customised furnishing solutions to industrial, educational, research and hospital sectors. With offices in Denmark, Norway, the UK and the US, Labflex supplies turnkey laboratory solutions to customers all over the world.
The company has been owned by the Foghsgaard family since 2004, who will continue as minority shareholders after the divestment to Credo Partners.
Labflex has under the management of Malte Fohgsgaard experienced a significant development, leading to increased profitability through improved strategic focus, operations and internationalization. In 2014, Labflex reached net sales of more than DKK 300 million with an EBITDA of DKK 36 million.
The Foghsgaard family chose Credo as their partner for the further development of Labflex, as they will contribute with both industrial competences and active ownership in the journey of generating increased profit and growth.
With the acquisition of Labflex, Credo Partners will continue to pursue the international sales strategy that has been implemented in recent years leading to Labflex delivering on large international projects to some of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in the world.
"ATRIUM has been a vital driver in the process and an important contributor in finding the right partner. This is the optimal solution for our family in our planned generational change"
Lars Foghsgaard, primary shareholder of Labflex
"ATRIUM has ensured a solution that is of benefit to the further expansion of the company, to the family’s continuous involvement and return, and to me as a shareholder and CEO of the company"
Malte Foghsgaard, shareholder and CEO of Labflex