July 2016
Advisor to Loevschall in the sale to Færch & Co
ATRIUM acted as exclusive financial advisor to the shareholders in Loevschall A/S in relation to the sale to Færch & Co, who—led by Lone and Bjarke Færch—invests in sound companies based in Denmark.
Loevschall develops and distributes LED lighting solutions for kitchen, bathroom and wardrobe as well as the ‘shop-in-shop’ segment. Loevschall delivers high quality solutions and products and is market leading within its niche.
The customer base comprises the vast majority of the leading kitchen and bathroom manufacturers in the Nordics as well as in Germany and the UK.
Færch & Co will be instrumental in the future development and value creation in collaboration with the existing management team, who will be able to focus even more on geographic expansion and further development of the product portfolio.
Loevschall will get a partner, who will be able to strengthen the business and accelerate growth, while continuing to invest in its employees.
ATRIUM acted as exclusive financial advisor for the shareholders in relation to the transaction. ATRIUM has been in contact with numerous potential financial and industrial buyers from the entire Nordic region.
"We are very satisfied with ATRIUMs advisory, which has ensured a well structured process and been decisive in obtaining an ideal generational change for the company and its shareholders. ATRIUM has found a competent and financially strong partner for the continuing management and shareholder"
Johan Blach Petersen, shareholder and chairman of Loevschall